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Price: $9.00 - $399.99
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REFRIGERANT SOLENOID VALVE has appeared in 39 unique listings.

There are currently 7 active listings, 20 sold listings, and 12 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $2,426.78

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eBay.com Click here to view REFRIGERANT SOLENOID VALVE on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 7 18%
Sold 20 51%
Unsold 12 31%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 39 100.00%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
2domino 3 7.69%
chase_surplus 3 7.69%
swsupplier 2 5.13%
miac-48 2 5.13%
baytownsolutions 2 5.13%
partempire 1 2.56%
bbiggbull76 1 2.56%
suzy-1901 1 2.56%
amzglass 1 2.56%
globusreliefstore 1 2.56%
helloworld-2020 1 2.56%
dheader 1 2.56%
jspec1 1 2.56%
oemindustrialliquidators 1 2.56%
bocollin4 1 2.56%
prospect326 1 2.56%
digger2121 1 2.56%
fc_refrigeration 1 2.56%
checkitout0109 1 2.56%
jamiepuller 1 2.56%
marinegasoil 1 2.56%
lowestpricemoonindustry 1 2.56%
moeyazbeck 1 2.56%
af52-sales 1 2.56%
jorki_6470 1 2.56%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,426.78 62.23 48.88 60.11972021156534 399.99 9.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 38 97.44%
Used 1 2.56%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 7 100.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
baytownsolutions 2 28.57%
swsupplier 1 14.29%
digger2121 1 14.29%
fc_refrigeration 1 14.29%
jamiepuller 1 14.29%
moeyazbeck 1 14.29%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$396.74 49.59 49.44 8.923147917075005 62.00 38.88
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 6 85.71%
Used 1 14.29%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Emerson 200RB 3T3 (LESS COIL) Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF EXTEND, V 1924 $150.00 2-Dec-2024
Emerson 200RB 2T3 (LESS COIL) Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF EXTEND, V 1828 $50.00 1-Dec-2024
Emerson 100RB 2F2 PCN: 047500 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Less Coil 1/4"" SAE $55.00 20-Nov-2024
Emerson 200RB 3T4 refrigerant solenoid valve 1/2” ODF $35.00 24-Oct-2024
Emerson 200RB2T3GS-2192 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Scotsman 12-2471-22 $89.76 21-Oct-2024
Emerson 200RB 3T3 (LESS COIL) Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF EXTEND, V 1924 $55.00 12-Oct-2024
Emerson 200RB 2T3 (LESS COIL) Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF EXTEND, V 1828 $55.00 12-Oct-2024
EMERSON REFRIGERANT SOLENOID VALVE pm 1/2s34vlc-01 $79.99 6-Oct-2024
Emerson 200RB 6T4M Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 1/2" ODF Extend $69.00 1-Oct-2024
ALCO Controls Emerson 200RB 4T3M Refrigerant Solenoid Valve $47.00 29-Sep-2024
Emerson 200RB 5T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve $30.00 22-Sep-2024
Emerson 200RB 4F3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Body 3/8" SAE Less Coil $55.92 22-Sep-2024
240RA 8T5T Alco / Emerson 5/8” ODP refrigerant solenoid valve [B2S4] $79.50 20-Sep-2024
Emerson 200RB 5T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve $32.00 28-Aug-2024
EMERSON - Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 200RD Model $62.00 23-Aug-2024
Emerson Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 200RD 9T9M $58.00 22-Aug-2024
EMERSON - Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 200RD Model $62.00 18-Aug-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 20 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
partempire 1 5.00%
bbiggbull76 1 5.00%
suzy-1901 1 5.00%
swsupplier 1 5.00%
amzglass 1 5.00%
globusreliefstore 1 5.00%
helloworld-2020 1 5.00%
chase_surplus 1 5.00%
dheader 1 5.00%
jspec1 1 5.00%
oemindustrialliquidators 1 5.00%
bocollin4 1 5.00%
2domino 1 5.00%
checkitout0109 1 5.00%
lowestpricemoonindustry 1 5.00%
af52-sales 1 5.00%
marinegasoil 1 5.00%
nickelplateindustrial 1 5.00%
ddwoodlee 1 5.00%
prospect326 1 5.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,277.32 63.87 43.97 79.90526893766143 399.99 9.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 20 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Emerson 200RB 5T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve $30.00 15-Feb-2025
NEW NIB Emerson 200RB 4S3T refrigerant solenoid valve $38.02 27-Jan-2025
Emerson 100RB 2F2 PCN: 047500 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Less Coil 1/4"" SAE $55.00 17-Jan-2025
New! Emerson 240RA9T9T Refrigerant Solenoid Valve (#20483) $84.15 2-Dec-2024
Emerson 200RB 3T4 refrigerant solenoid valve 1/2” ODF $35.00 4-Nov-2024
Emerson 200RB 3T3 (LESS COIL) Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF EXTEND, V 1924 $55.00 19-Oct-2024
Emerson 200RB 4F3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Body 3/8" SAE Less Coil $55.92 22-Sep-2024
240RA 8T5T Alco / Emerson 5/8” ODP refrigerant solenoid valve [B2S4] $79.50 20-Sep-2024
Emerson 200RB-3T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" (LT2) $47.95 20-Sep-2024
Emerson 025-40330-000 1-1/4" Refrigerant Solenoid Valve, 120V/50-60 New in Box $399.99 18-Sep-2024
Emerson 200RB-5T4T 1/2” ODF Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 049164 $48.88 17-Sep-2024
Emerson 200RB 5T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve $32.00 28-Aug-2024
Emerson 200RB 6T4M Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 1/2" ODF Extend - NEW $94.99 27-Aug-2024
Emerson 200RB 3T4 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 1/2" 200RB3T4 049692 $39.99 21-Aug-2024
Emerson Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 200RD 9T9M $58.00 21-Aug-2024
Emerson 200RB-2T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF 053106 $9.00 20-Aug-2024
Emerson 200RB 3T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8 ODF New, Open Box, See Picture $32.00 20-Aug-2024
ALCO Emerson Controls 200RBGS1655 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve $24.99 17-Aug-2024
Emerson 100RB 2F2 PCN: 047500 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Less Coil 1/4"" SAE $21.99 10-Apr-2022


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 12 100.00%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
miac-48 2 16.67%
chase_surplus 2 16.67%
2domino 2 16.67%
jorki_6470 1 8.33%
sayo-5539 1 8.33%
centralfloridatreasures 1 8.33%
proverbs*31*woman 1 8.33%
qualityairmechanical 1 8.33%
dozon_6 1 8.33%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$569.72 47.48 45.94 8.950058969389842 62.00 35.00
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 12 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Emerson 200RB 2T3 (LESS COIL) Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF EXTEND, V 1828 $50.00 1-Feb-2025
Emerson 200RB 2T3 (LESS COIL) Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF EXTEND, V 1828 $55.00 20-Nov-2024
EMERSON - Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 200RD Model $62.00 30-Aug-2024
EMERSON - Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 200RD Model $62.00 23-Aug-2024
0251R00007/LSK02A/ Emerson 3/8" Refrigerant Solenoid Valve W/Box $55.00 1-Jan-1970
Emerson EF680035 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 1/2" OD In, 1/2" OD Out, NEW $39.99 1-Jan-1970
Emerson 100RB2S3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF Extend Less Coil $42.99 1-Jan-1970
Emerson 100RB 2S2 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve Less Coil 1/4” ODF 047503 $35.00 1-Jan-1970
Emerson 200RB2T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF Extended $38.88 1-Jan-1970
Emerson 100RB2S3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" ODF $48.88 1-Jan-1970
Emerson 200RB 2T3T Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 200RB2T3T New 054170 $39.99 1-Jan-1970
Emerson 200RB-3T3 Refrigerant Solenoid Valve 3/8" (LT2) $39.99 1-Jan-1970
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