HVAC Refrigeration
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Price: $60.00 - $695.99
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MOTOR 1/2 has appeared in 46 unique listings.

There are currently 12 active listings, 22 sold listings, and 12 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $6,795.32

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view MOTOR 1/2 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 12 26%
Sold 22 48%
Unsold 12 26%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 45 97.83%
CA 1 2.17%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
balticmagic7_4 27 58.70%
plumbers.stock 2 4.35%
netsellerzoc 2 4.35%
townandcountryantiqueslibertyny 1 2.17%
luckydaystuff 1 2.17%
jhcommerce1028 1 2.17%
lj-liquidation 1 2.17%
tylerking77 1 2.17%
makeanofferonit 1 2.17%
tulsatreasurehunter 1 2.17%
hvac_motors_and_parts 1 2.17%
partgenie 1 2.17%
bambam49fishing 1 2.17%
ddevine72 1 2.17%
lostpinecone 1 2.17%
ariens52 1 2.17%
pavelportal 1 2.17%
statestreetwares 1 2.17%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,795.32 147.72 105.00 130.77948630277672 695.99 60.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 34 73.91%
Used 12 26.09%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 11 91.67%
CA 1 8.33%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
balticmagic7_4 9 75.00%
tylerking77 1 8.33%
tulsatreasurehunter 1 8.33%
hvac_motors_and_parts 1 8.33%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$100.00 100.00 100.00 0 100.00 100.00
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 2 16.67%
Used 10 83.33%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #ME163 $99.00 3-Dec-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMB905 $105.00 2-Dec-2024
Emerson K55HXLRR-0307 Furnace Blower Motor 1/2 HP 200-230 V 1075 RPM 3 SPD $71.39 2-Dec-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MB458 $99.00 2-Dec-2024
Emerson KA55HX Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 48 Frame Reversible $125.00 19-Nov-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMC978 $105.00 18-Nov-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMC805 $105.00 18-Nov-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMC237 $105.00 14-Nov-2024
Emerson 5461 Rescue Direct Drive TruckStock Blower Motor 1/2 HP 208-230V $75.00 29-Oct-2024
Emerson 3844 Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4 Spd 115V KA55HXSCG-8300 $184.98 14-Oct-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CME291 $105.00 2-Oct-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CME221 $105.00 1-Oct-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMC2 $105.00 30-Sep-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MB888 $99.00 30-Sep-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #ME10 $99.00 23-Sep-2024
LENNOX R47473-001 MOTOR 1/2 HP - EMERSON $550.79 12-Sep-2024
EMERSON K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #MC953 $95.00 10-Sep-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MC146 $99.00 6-Sep-2024
EMERSON K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V D340988P02 $95.00 18-Aug-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 51-19069-01 $100.00 24-Jan-2020


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 22 100.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
balticmagic7_4 13 59.09%
netsellerzoc 2 9.09%
townandcountryantiqueslibertyny 1 4.55%
luckydaystuff 1 4.55%
jhcommerce1028 1 4.55%
lj-liquidation 1 4.55%
makeanofferonit 1 4.55%
lostpinecone 1 4.55%
statestreetwares 1 4.55%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,543.36 115.61 102.50 36.061215274965946 209.40 60.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 5 22.73%
Used 17 77.27%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
GE 5KCP39MGK114BS Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM $199.99 11-Mar-2025
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 51-19069-01 $100.00 13-Jan-2025
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MB458 $99.00 7-Dec-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMC805 $105.00 5-Dec-2024
Emerson SA55KZJHA-4958 4772 Direct Drive Fan Motor 1/2 HP, 115 V, 1725 Rpm 6.5A $209.40 12-Nov-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MC717 $99.00 11-Nov-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MC891 $99.00 28-Oct-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMC2 $105.00 18-Oct-2024
Emerson K55HXTFN-8713, Blower Motor, 1/2 HP, 208-230 V, 60 HZ, 1 Ph, 1075 RPM $120.00 15-Oct-2024
Emerson 3844 Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4 Spd 115V KA55HXSCG-8300 $184.98 15-Oct-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMP192 $105.00 9-Oct-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #ME825 $99.00 8-Oct-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMB514 $105.00 30-Sep-2024
Protech By Emerson P63PYEPK-3817 PolyPhase Blower Motor 1 1/2 hp 1725rpm $149.99 25-Sep-2024
45471 PACKARD Emerson 5471 Rheem 51-21898-01 BLOWER MOTOR 1/2 X 5 Shaft $100.00 12-Sep-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MC146 $99.00 12-Sep-2024
EMERSON K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #MC953 $95.00 10-Sep-2024
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MC743 $99.00 1-Sep-2024
EMERSON K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V D340988P02 $95.00 18-Aug-2024
Emerson KA55HXGZM-2048 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 115 V 3 Speed 1075 RPM used #CMP275 $110.00 15-Jun-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 12 100.00%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
balticmagic7_4 5 41.67%
plumbers.stock 2 16.67%
partgenie 1 8.33%
bambam49fishing 1 8.33%
ddevine72 1 8.33%
ariens52 1 8.33%
pavelportal 1 8.33%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,063.57 255.30 105.00 217.1642170925419 695.99 95.00
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 5 41.67%
Used 7 58.33%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
LENNOX R47473-001 MOTOR 1/2 HP - EMERSON $550.79 4-Dec-2024
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMC715 $105.00 1-Jan-1970
Emerson K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V used #CMB663 $105.00 1-Jan-1970
EMERSON K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V D340988P02 $95.00 1-Jan-1970
Emerson K55hxbph-6161 Electric Condenser Fan Motor 1/2 HP 460v 1075 RPM $165.00 1-Jan-1970
New Emerson Direct Drive Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 3 Spd 220V KA55HXGES $399.00 1-Jan-1970
EMERSON K55HXHKL-8719 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 1PH 115V $100.00 1-Jan-1970
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MB806 $99.00 1-Jan-1970
EMERSON K55HXNNP-4792 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 3 SPD 208/230V 1065279 NEW $695.99 1-Jan-1970
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #ME134 $99.00 1-Jan-1970
LENNOX R47473-001 MOTOR 1/2 HP - EMERSON; $550.79 1-Jan-1970
EMERSON KA55HXFWR-3683 Blower Motor 1/2 HP 1075 RPM 4SPD 115V 60Hz 1PH #MB55 $99.00 1-Jan-1970
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