HVAC Refrigeration
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Price: $3.45 - $913.29
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HEATER has appeared in 61 unique listings.

There are currently 6 active listings, 20 sold listings, and 35 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $5,962.54

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view HEATER on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 6 10%
Sold 20 33%
Unsold 35 57%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 50 81.97%
CA 10 16.39%
AU 1 1.64%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
doupette_0 7 11.48%
rauschenberg2007 6 9.84%
icewest2025 6 9.84%
nri-industrial 6 9.84%
j875-8 2 3.28%
nci-sales 2 3.28%
justryintomakabukr2 2 3.28%
midwesthrift 1 1.64%
regmoses 1 1.64%
tripleabargains 1 1.64%
jgperfe-51 1 1.64%
price-slashers 1 1.64%
proparts91_5 1 1.64%
wheatst 1 1.64%
longviewdmw 1 1.64%
moodokon 1 1.64%
hvacsupplies350 1 1.64%
davekumpelhotmail.com 1 1.64%
lowpriceforall 1 1.64%
cacsalesllc 1 1.64%
ppi-industrial 1 1.64%
thriftinghabit 1 1.64%
ag-industrial-metals 1 1.64%
bjbanks 1 1.64%
s-samsam 1 1.64%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$5,962.54 97.75 39.99 190.72729775210598 913.29 3.45
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 51 83.61%
Used 10 16.39%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 4 66.67%
CA 2 33.33%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
nri-industrial 1 16.67%
tripleabargains 1 16.67%
j875-8 1 16.67%
icewest2025 1 16.67%
nci-sales 1 16.67%
lowpriceforall 1 16.67%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,587.06 88.17 39.99 201.2856997183633 913.29 9.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 6 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Copeland/Emerson 918-0001-02 240V 65W 2D/3D/9 Flat/Deep Sump Crankcase Heater $90.00 3-Dec-2024
New Copeland 568-2010-08 Compressor Crankcase heater Emerson HVAC REFRIGERATION $18.99 2-Dec-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $25.00 30-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $25.00 25-Nov-2024
Emerson 918-0088-00 Heater Crankcase Kit Wrap Around 240V Service $74.99 22-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $9.99 18-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $29.99 10-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $29.99 8-Nov-2024
Emerson VUH-C-15W-63-00-00 Electric Blower Heater 3ph 10kw 600v-ac $913.29 15-Oct-2024
Emerson ARTM-750 156-016165-002 Immersion Heater 6in 750w 240v-ac $88.93 15-Oct-2024
Emerson Copeland 918-0043-01 Crankcase Heater Wrap Around 480V 70W 018-0095-05 $79.95 12-Oct-2024
Emerson VUH-C-15W-63-00-00 Electric Blower Heater 3ph 10kw 600v-ac $913.29 6-Oct-2024
Emerson ARTM-750 156-016165-002 Immersion Heater 6in 750w 240v-ac $88.93 5-Oct-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 1-Oct-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 25-Sep-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 17-Sep-2024
RARE Vintage Emerson Space Electric Heater H-1300-F 115 Volts 11.3 AMP *NICE* $85.00 16-Sep-2024
NEW Copeland 142-830000-001 Compressor Crank Case Heater 018-0088-00 Emerson $18.00 15-Sep-2024
EMERSON 8618965 - CRANK CASE HEATER $81.22 12-Sep-2024
Emerson 8561105 018-0095-03 Heater 70W 240V Heater Copeland for Compressor $40.00 12-Sep-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 18 90.00%
CA 1 5.00%
AU 1 5.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
nri-industrial 2 10.00%
j875-8 1 5.00%
midwesthrift 1 5.00%
price-slashers 1 5.00%
proparts91_5 1 5.00%
moodokon 1 5.00%
hvacsupplies350 1 5.00%
jgperfe-51 1 5.00%
longviewdmw 1 5.00%
davekumpelhotmail.com 1 5.00%
justryintomakabukr2 1 5.00%
regmoses 1 5.00%
nci-sales 1 5.00%
bjbanks 1 5.00%
s-samsam 1 5.00%
sky-baywarehouse 1 5.00%
affordablemerchandise 1 5.00%
marknmandee 1 5.00%
geoggwp 1 5.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,132.59 56.63 41.25 69.84378057314767 345.75 12.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 20 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Squirrel Cage Blower Fan Wheel Heater Air Conditioner 13225E8415 10-3/4" HVAC $25.20 6-Mar-2025
EMERSON COPELAND 8561127 018-0096-00 Compressor Crankcase Heater b014-mm yy $69.95 5-Feb-2025
Emerson TG-2603 Water Heater Element 6000w 208-240v-ac with Gasket $19.99 1-Feb-2025
Emerson 8561105 018-0095-03 Heater 70W 24OV Heater Copeland for Compressor $49.00 1-Jan-2025
New Copeland 568-2010-08 Compressor Crankcase heater Emerson HVAC REFRIGERATION $18.99 2-Dec-2024
Emerson Copeland 918-0043-01 Crankcase Heater Wrap Around 480V 70W 018-0095-05 $79.95 23-Nov-2024
LEIBERT EMERSON 1C21138P1 Crankcase Heater 277 Volt 8 Watts Per Ft $60.00 19-Nov-2024
Emerson ARTM-750 156-016165-002 Immersion Heater 6in 750w 240v-ac $88.93 19-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (Full New) $33.00 18-Nov-2024
Copeland Emerson 142-830000-002 Compressor Crank Case Heater 018-0088-00 575v $19.95 7-Nov-2024
NEW Copeland 142-830000-001 Compressor Crank Case Heater 018-0088-00 Emerson $18.00 28-Sep-2024
Emerson 8561105 018-0095-03 Heater 70W 240V Heater Copeland for Compressor $40.00 26-Sep-2024
Emerson 8561105 018-0095-03 Heater 70W 240V Heater Copeland for Compressor $49.97 29-Aug-2024
Emerson 8561161 240 Volt Crankcase Heater $18.48 26-Aug-2024
Emerson ARMTO-2205E2T2 Chromalox Immersion Heater 60-250f 17-3/4in $345.75 13-Aug-2024
Emerson Copeland 918-0097-01 Crankcase Heater 240V Replaces 018-0097-01 $49.95 31-Dec-2023
Copeland CRANKCASE HEATER 518-0028-06 Insertion Well/Sleeve $64.99 15-Apr-2023


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 28 80.00%
CA 7 20.00%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
doupette_0 7 20.00%
rauschenberg2007 6 17.14%
icewest2025 5 14.29%
nri-industrial 3 8.57%
wheatst 1 2.86%
cacsalesllc 1 2.86%
ppi-industrial 1 2.86%
thriftinghabit 1 2.86%
ag-industrial-metals 1 2.86%
jamesem_59 1 2.86%
cnjsurplus 1 2.86%
onetimebestprice 1 2.86%
suppliesandsales 1 2.86%
justryintomakabukr2 1 2.86%
milwuak-13 1 2.86%
lv-industrial 1 2.86%
lagasuppliesandindustrial 1 2.86%
moparmanjerry 1 2.86%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,593.27 102.67 35.00 200.94557838055027 913.29 3.45
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 25 71.43%
Used 10 28.57%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $25.00 7-Dec-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $25.00 30-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $9.99 23-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $9.99 20-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $29.99 15-Nov-2024
Emerson 568-2010-00 Copeland Compressor Crank Case Heater Repair Kit (New) 💥💥 $29.99 10-Nov-2024
Emerson VUH-C-15W-63-00-00 Electric Blower Heater 3ph 10kw 600v-ac $913.29 13-Oct-2024
Emerson ARTM-750 156-016165-002 Immersion Heater 6in 750w 240v-ac $88.93 13-Oct-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 2-Oct-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 2-Oct-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 24-Sep-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 17-Sep-2024
RARE Vintage Emerson Space Electric Heater H-1300-F 115 Volts 11.3 AMP *NICE* $85.00 17-Sep-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 10-Sep-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $39.99 3-Sep-2024
Emerson Chromalox Electric Garage Heater HF403G 240V 60Hz 4KW Used $44.99 27-Aug-2024
Emerson Carrier heater assembly. Model CRHEATER108A00 110066788 Heating Coil $425.00 1-Jan-1970
Emerson 018-0095-02 575 V Crankcase Heater $24.24 1-Jan-1970
Copeland Emerson Crankcase Heater $